South Africa
Timeframe: 1977-1994
Nature of Conflict: Apartheid
and Proliferation of WMD
Sanctions Objectives(s):
End Apartheid
Stop supply of arms and dual use materials to create nuclear weapons​
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Arms embargo
(additional voluntary boycott of wine, sporting events and diplomatic measures)​
Timeframe: 1992-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate
and Terrorism
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Cease hostilities
Negotiate settlement
Peace enforcement
Support peace building, good governance, and human rights
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo​
Asset Freeze
Ban on Charcoal Imports
Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Components Ban
Timeframe: 1968-1979
Nature of Conflict: White Minority Rule
Sanctions Objectives(s):
End white minority rule
End all measures of political repression, including arrests, detentions, trials and executions which violate fundamental freedoms and rights of the people of Southern Rhodesia
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Ban of flights from Southern Rhodeisa and vessels to Southern Rhodesia
Arms embargo
Export and Import controls on petroleum and petroleum Products
Timeframe: 2009-2020
Nature of Conflict: Interstate
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Cease hostilities
Negotiate settlement
Withdraw forces
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
*United Nations lifted sanctions in 2018
Sanctions Measures:
Asset Freeze
Technical Assistance Ban
Arms Embargo
Financial Prohibitions​
Liberia (3 Phases of Sanctions)
Timeframe: 1992-2017
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Cease hostilities
Negotiate settlement
Improve forest and diamond management practices
Support peace building and good governance, and the judicial process
Democracy support
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
*United Nations lifted sanctions in 2016
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Diamond and timber import ban
Inadmissibility Asset Freeze
Angola (mainly UNITA)
Timeframe: 1993-2003
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Cease hostilities
Peace enforcement
Support peace building, good governance, and human rights
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Aviation Ban
Asset Freeze
Financial Assistance Freeze​
Diamond and Petroleum Import Ban
Timeframe: 1994-2009
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Cease hostilities
Peace enforcement
Support peace building, good governance, and human rights
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Export and Import Control
*United Nations repealed sanctions in 2008
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo​
Sierra Leone
Timeframe: 1998-2013
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Cease hostilities
Peace enforcement
Support peace building, good governance, and human rights
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
*United Nations imposed sanctions in 1997 and lifted sanctions in 2010
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo​
Asset Freeze
Diamond and Petroleum Import Ban
Timeframe: 2000-2001
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Cease hostilities
Negotiate settlement
Withdraw forces
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo​
Technical Assistance Ban
The Democratic Republic of Congo
Timeframe: 2003-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Cease hostilities
Peace enforcement
Support peace building, good governance, and human rights
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
*United Nations intiated sanctions in 2003
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo​
Asset Freeze
Technical and Financial Assistance Ban
Guidelines for mineral extraction from Democratic Republic of Congo
Cote D'Ivoire
Timeframe: 2005-2017
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate and Unconstitutional Change of Government
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Cease hostilities
Peace enforcement
Support peace building, good governance and constitutional change of government
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
*United Nations intiated sanctions in 2003 and lifted them in 2016
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo​
Technical Assistance Ban
Asset Freeze
Libya I
Timeframe: 1992-2003
Nature of Conflict: Support to Terrorism
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Cease all support to terrorism
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo​
Deny permission for Libyan aircraft to land
Export Ban (goods used in refinement and export of oil, including pumps, boilers, furnaces, and catalysts)
Reduced number of personnel at Libyan missions
Sudan I
Timeframe: 1999-2001
Nature of Conflict: Support to Terrorism
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Cease all support to terrorism
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Sanctions Measures:
Aviation Sanctions (never came into effect)​
Diplomatic Sanctions
Sudan II
Timeframe: 2004-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate and Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Cease hostilities
End all acts of violence and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law by all parties to the crisis, in particular by the Janjaweed, including indiscriminate attacks on civilians, rapes, forced displacements, and acts of violence especially those with an ethnic dimension, and expressing its utmost concern at the consequences of the conflict in Darfur on the civilian population, including women, children, internally displaced persons, and refugees
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo​
Technical and Financial Assistance Ban
Asset Freeze
*UN requires a travel ban, GAC has not invoked the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Timeframe: 1993-1994
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate and Unconstitutional Change of Government
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Reinstatement of the legitimate Government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Cease hostilities
Cease climate of fear of persecution and economic dislocation which could increase the number of Haitians seeking refuge in neighbouring Member States
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Aviation Ban
Asset Freeze
Import Bans (especially pertoleum products)
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
Al Qaeda/Taliban, ISIL and Affiliates
Timeframe: 1999-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Terrorism
Sanctions Objectives(s) of UN, EU, or US:
Cessation of terrorist activities by these groups
*UN separates ISIL from the other terrorist organizations but Canada lists them together
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo​
Asset Freeze
Financial Prohibitions
Technical and Financial Assistance Freeze
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Criminal Code
Export and Import Control
Anti-Terrorism Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
North Korea
Timeframe: 1996-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: End Proliferation of WMD and Sponsorship of Terrorism
Sanctions Objectives(s):
End proliferation and testing of nuclear weapons
End support to terrorism
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo (including dual use items to proliferate WMD)
Luxury Goods Ban
Asset Freeze
Technical and financial Assistance Ban
Ban on bunkering services
Coal, minerals and sectoral ban
Ban on refined petroleum products
Seafood ban
Ban on textiles from DPRK
Ban on sale of helicopters or other new or used vessels to DPRK
Ban on DPRK supplying, selling or transferring seafood
Expulsion of DPRK diplomats, government representatives, other DPRK nationals acting in a governmental or representative office capacity, and foreign nationals that are working on behalf or at the direction of a designated person and/or entity or of a person and/or entity assisting in sanctions evasions or violating the resolutions
Inspect cargo destined to or originating from the DPRK or brokered by the DPRK that is within or transiting their territories including personal luggage and checked baggage of individuals entering into or departing from the DPRK that may be used to transport items the supply, sale or transfer of which is prohibited.
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Special Economic Measures Act since 2011
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
Old Age Security Act
Canada Pension Plan
Canada Shipping Act
Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act
Pension Benefits Division Act
Bank Act
Proceeds of Crime Act
Insurance Companies Act
Cooperative Credit Associations Act
Trust and Loans Companies Act
Former Yugoslavia
Timeframe: 1991-1996
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate to Interstate
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Cease hostilities
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia I (Serbia)
Timeframe: 1992-2006
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate and Extreme Violence
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Cease hostilities and ethnic cleansing
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Financial Freeze
Aviation Ban
Asset Freeze
Diplomatic Sanctions (including sports and cultural sanctions)
Import and Export Ban on crude oil, petroleum, iron, steel, rubber and chemicals
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia II (Serbia) Against Kosovo
Timeframe: 1998-2001
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate and Support to Terrorism
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Cease hostilities with Kosovars
Kosovars to end support to terrorism
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Iraq and Kuwait
Timeframe: 1990-2003
Nature of Conflict: Interstate and Support to WMD
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Withdraw from Kuwait immediately
End proliferation of WMD
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Asset Freeze
Export and Import Ban (petroleum products not specifically exempt)
Dual-use Time Ban
Technical and Financial Aid and Assistance Ban
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
*Iraq expelled from Kuwait in 1991 all sanctions but arms embargo lifted in 2003
Timeframe: 2003-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate and Support to Terrorism
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Support peace building, good governance
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Asset Freeze
Ban of Exchange or Selling of Iraqi Cultural Items
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Export and Import Control
Timeframe: 2006-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Proliferation of WMD
Sanctions Objectives(s):
End Proliferation of WMD
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Asset Freeze
Technical and Financial Assistance and Support Freeze
Import and Export Restrictions
Financial Prohibitions
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
Special Economic Measures Act since 2010
*United Nations resolutions were terminated in 2015 given Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action but effective on 10th anniversary
Hariri (Lebanon)
Timeframe: 2007-Ongoing,
Nature of Conflict: Assassination of PM Hariri and support to Terrorism
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Decry assasination of Prime Minister Hariri
End support to terrorism
End violence
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Technical Assistance Ban
*United Nations applied an Asset Freeze and Travel Ban
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Export and Import Control
*United Nations adopted sanctions in 2005
Myanmar I
Timeframe: 2007-2012
Nature of Conflict: Threatening Peace and Security
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
End human rights violations especially against Rohingya including their forced displacement
End unconstitutional changes to government
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Sanctions Measures:
Import and Export Ban
No Transhipment
Technical Assistance Ban
Asset Freeze
Financial Assistance Ban
Overflight Ban
Myanmar II
Timeframe: 2012-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Threatening Peace and Security, Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
End human rights violations especially against Rohingya including their forced displacement
End unconstitutional changes to government
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Sanctions Measures:
Asset freeze against select senior military officials who have played a role in the military operations against the Rohingya in Myanmar’s Rakhine State in August 2017
Technical Assistance Ban
Myanmar III
Timeframe: 2018-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
End human rights violations especially against Rohingya including their forced displacement
End unconstitutional changes to government
Sanctions Instruments:
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act Canadian Shipping Act
Sanctions Measures:
Asset freeze, financial prohibition and travel ban against Major General Maung Maung Soe so note Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for this one only
Date: December 10, 2021
Nature of Conflict: Breach of International Peace and Security
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Put additional pressure on the Tatmadaw to change its behaviour, including to immediately and genuinely engage with ASEAN-led peace efforts, immediately halting violence, initiating inclusive peace dialogues, and granting unrestricted humanitarian access.
Communicate a clear message to the Tatmadaw, and those who support the Tatmadaw regime, that Canada will not accept that actions constituting a grave breach of international peace and security, resulting in a serious international crisis, are taking place with impunity and total disregard for the will and democratic rights of the people of Myanmar.
Align with actions taken by international partners.
Sanctions Instruments:
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act Canadian Shipping Act
Sanctions Measures:
4 entities from Myanmar
Date: January 31, 2022
Nature of Conflict: Breach of International Peace and Security
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Put additional pressure on the Tatmadaw to change its behaviour, including to immediately and genuinely engage with ASEAN-led peace efforts, immediately halting violence, initiating inclusive peace dialogues, and granting unrestricted humanitarian access.
Communicate a clear message to the Tatmadaw, and those who support the Tatmadaw regime, that Canada will not accept that actions constituting a grave breach of international peace and security, resulting in a serious international crisis, are taking place with impunity and total disregard for the will and democratic rights of the people of Myanmar.
Align Canadian actions with those taken by international partners — specifically to condemn the February 1, 2021, coup one year later.
Sanctions Instruments:
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act Canadian Shipping Act
Sanctions Measures:
3 individuals from Myanmar
Central African Republic
Timeframe: 2014-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
Cease hostilities
Negotiate settlement
Peace enforcement
Support peace building, good governance, and human rights
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Export and Import Control
*United Nations imposed an arms embargo in 2013
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Asset Freeze
Technical and Financial Assistance Freeze
*UN requires a travel ban, GAC has not invoked the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Timeframe: 2012-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate and
Unconstitutional Change of
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Restore constitutional order
End looting, including of State assets, human rights violations and abuses, including arbitrary detentions, ill treatment during detention, the repression of peaceful demonstrations and the restrictions on the freedom of movement imposed by the “Military Command”
Sanctions Instruments:
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
*Since Global Affairs DOES NOT regulate travel bans, Guinea Bissau is not listed among Canadian sanctions
Sanctions Measures:
*United Nations put travel ban in place in 2012 but names for ban not released until 2014. By international law, Canada must prevent the travel to Canada of listed individuals.
Libya II
Timeframe: 2011-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate and
Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):​
End violence
Encourage peace and stability
Eventual constitutional change in government
Ending the illicit export of Libyan petroleum undermined the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA), and posed a threat to the peace, security and stability of Libya.
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act since 2011
Special Economic Measures Act
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Asset Freeze
Technical Assistance Ban
Financial Prohibitions
Export and Import Controls
Russia and Ukraine
Timeframe: 2014-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Illegal Annexation of Crimea and Other Regions of Ukraine
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Respond to Russia’s violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and grave human rights violations that have been committed in Russia.
*On August 1, 2017, the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) entered into force
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Export and Import Control
Freezing Assets of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Sanctions Measures:
Asset freeze
Import and export restrictions
Financial prohibitions
Technical assistance ban
Timeframe: 2017-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Human Rights Violations and Corruption
Sanctions Objectives(s):
To communicate a clear message to Russia that Canada, along with its like-minded partners, will not accept that ongoing gross and systematic human rights violations continue to take place at the hands of the State with impunity
To impose consequences on Russia for its ongoing disregard for human rights and the rule of law.
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Sanctions Measures:
Asset Freeze
*Sanctions more extensive due to Russian invasion of Ukraine. See page dedicated to sanctions on Russia.
Timeframe: 2011-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Cease on-going violent crackdown by its military and security forces against Syrians peacefully protesting for democracy and human rights
Cease use of chemical weapons
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Bank Act
Proceeds of Crime Act
Insurance Companies Act
Cooperative Credit Associations Act
Trust and Loans Companies Act
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Asset Freeze
Technical or Financial Assistance Freeze
Financial Prohibitions
Export and Import Restrictions on any goods — other than food for human consumption — that are exported, supplied or shipped from Syria after December 23, 2011
Luxury goods ban
Chemical weapons assistance or precursor agents Freeze
Timeframe: 2011-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Missappropriation of Assets by
Corrupt Foreign Officials
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Seize assets and property in Canada of individuals named by Tunisia
Sanctions Instruments:
Freezing Assets of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act
Sanctions Measures:
Asset and property Freeze
*Asset and property Freeze:
Whereas Tunisia has asserted to the Government of Canada, in writing, that persons listed have misappropriated property of Tunisia or have acquired property inappropriately by virtue of their office or a personal or business relationship and have asked the Government of Canada to freeze the property of those persons
Timeframe: 2011-2016
Nature of Conflict: Missappropriation of Assets by
Corrupt Foreign Officials
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Seize assets and property in Canada of individuals named by Egypt
Sanctions Instruments:
Freezing Assets of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act
Sanctions Measures:
Asset and property Freeze
*Whereas Egypt has asserted to the Government of Canada, in writing, that persons listed have misappropriated property of Egypt, , or have acquired property inappropriately by virtue of their office or a personal or business relationship and have asked the Government of Canada to freeze the property of those persons
Timeframe: 2008-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):
End human rights violations, political violence and a worsening humanitarian situation.
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Asset Freeze
Prohibition on Zimbabwean aircraft from flying over or landing in Canada
Technical and Financial Assistance Ban
Financial Prohibitions
Belarus I
Timeframe: 2007-2017
Nature of Conflict: Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):
End human rights violations including prolonged arbitrary detentions, brutality, intimidation, and the excessive use of force against peaceful protestors
Sanctions Instruments:
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Export Restrictions
Belarus II
Timeframe: 2007-2017
Nature of Conflict: Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):
End human rights violations including prolonged arbitrary detentions, brutality, intimidation, and the excessive use of force against peaceful protestors
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Export and Import Control
Sanctions Measures:
Financial Prohibitions
Technical Assistance Ban
Asset Freeze
Export and Import Restrictions
Date: June 21, 2021
Nature of Conflict: Systematic Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Put pressure on the Government of Belarus to change its behaviour.
Communicate a clear message to the Government of Belarus that Canada will not accept that gross and systematic human rights violations continue to take place at the hands of the State with impunity
Align with actions taken by our like-minded partners.
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Sanctions Measures:
17 individuals from Belarus
5 entities
Date: August 6, 2021
Nature of Conflict: Systematic Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Put pressure on the Government of Belarus to change its behaviour.
Communicate a clear message to the Government of Belarus that Canada will not accept that gross and systematic human rights violations continue to take place at the hands of the State with impunity
Align with actions taken by our like-minded partners.
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Sanctions Measures:
Import and Export restrictions (insurance and reinsurance, petroleum products, potassium chloride)
Date: December 2, 2021
Nature of Conflict: Systematic Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Not listed
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Sanctions Measures:
24 individuals from Belarus
7 entities
South Sudan
Timeframe: 2014-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Cease hostilities
End violence against civilians
End sexual-based violence
End human rights violations
End use of children as soldiers
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act Since 2015
Special Economic Measures Act Since 2014
Export and Import Control
Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Sanctions Measures:
Arms Embargo
Asset Freeze - SEMA
Export and Import restrictions
Technical Assistance Freeze
Timeframe: 2014-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate
Sanctions Objectives(s):
End political crisis
Cease violence
Negotiate a settlement
End sexual violence
Protect civilians and Yemeni-led political transition process that meets the legitimate demands and aspirations of the Yemeni people
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
Export and Import Control
Canadian Shipping Act
Sanctions Measures:
Asset Freeze
Financial Services and Assistance Ban
Under section 2 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, any operator of an aircraft registered in Canada or any Canadian owner or master of a vessel or Canadian operator of an aircraft to knowingly carry, cause to be carried or permit to be carried, arms and related material, wherever situated, that are destined for a designated person or for a person acting on behalf of or at the direction of a designated person
*United Nations has imposed a Travel Ban, Canada has not
Timeframe: 2017-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Unconstitutional Change In Government
Sanctions Objectives(s):
*2017 Maduro created a National Constituent Assembly (or ANC), which stripped the democratically-elected, opposition-led National Assembly of its powers.
Refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the National Constituent Assembly or any of its decisions
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act
Export and Import Control
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Sanctions Measures:
Asset freeze
Financial Prohibitions
Timeframe: 2018-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Intrastate
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Cease hostilities
Restore peace and security
End violations to the peace agreement
End international human rights law or international humanitarian law violations
End human rights abuses or violations, including those involving the targeting of civilians, including women and children, through the commission of acts of violence (including killing, maiming, torture, or rape or other sexual violence), abduction, enforced disappearance, forced displacement, or attacks on schools, hospitals, religious sites, or locations where civilians are seeking refuge
End recruitment and use of child soldiers
Sanctions Instruments:
United Nations Act
*United Nations adopted sanctions in 2017
Sanctions Measures:
Asset freeze
*United Nations requires a Travel Ban but Canada has no ban listed
Date: July 14, 2021
Nature of Conflict: Gross and Systematic Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Apply pressure on the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua to respect its constitutional and international human rights obligations.
Communicate a clear message to the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua that Canada stands with the people of Nicaragua and the international community in condemning the ongoing gross and systematic human rights violations committed with impunity at the hands of the State.
Raise the costs to the Nicaraguan government of continuing the policies that erode democracy in Nicaragua and deny fundamental human rights of the people of Nicaragua.
Send a clear message to the region on the importance Canada places on respect for democracy, rule of law and the ability of all people to participate in free and fair elections.
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Sanctions Measures:
15 individuals from Nicaragua
Timeframe: 2019-ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Gross and Systematic Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):
End human rights violations including prolonged arbitrary detentions, brutality, intimidation, and the excessive use of force against peaceful protestors
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Export and Import Control
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Sanctions Measures:
Asset freeze
Financial Prohibitions
Individuals and Entities From China
Timeframe: 2021-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):
End human rights violations including prolonged arbitrary detentions, brutality, intimidation, and the excessive use of force against peaceful protestors
Sanctions Instruments:
Special Economic Measures Act
Export and Import Control
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Sanctions Measures:
Asset Freeze
Financial Prohibitions
Export and Import restrictions
Individuals From Saudi Arabia
Timeframe: 2017-Ongoing
Nature of Conflict: Human Rights Violations
Sanctions Objectives(s):
Respond to human rights violations
Sanctions Instruments:
Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
Sanctions Measures:
Asset freeze